Home Base for Your Career Management

Does your job search feel scattered?

  • Organize your job leads, contacts, company info - all on one cloud-based platform
  • Email Savvyy anything you don't want to forget or lose - research, notes, to-dos
  • Leverage Savvyy's powerful tools to stay on top of your career search
  • Savvyy is LIVE! Sign up below.
Home Base for your Career Management

Sign up is free, no credit card required, nothing to cancel, no gimmicks.
Give it a try, see what you think.

Everyone gets the same great features:

Unlocking Efficiency

Discover the tools to transform your search.

The Dashboard — Organized and On-task

Forget the scattered post-it notes and endless spreadsheets! Designed for ease of use, the Savvyy dashboard provides a bird's eye view of all your job leads, company research and contacts.

The Dashboard — Organized and On-task

By cutting out time you spend switching between the many applications, documents and lists used to manage your search, Savvyy saves you time and ensures you won't lose the lead that could become your dream job.

Interact with Savvyy through your email

Ever email yourself stuff you don't want to forget?

Quick and convenient, email anything related to your career search to Savvyy. Savvyy uses tags to automatically organize everything into its correct place within your Savvyy dashboard.

Interact with Savvyy through your email

Organize your way with Tags

Grouping and filtering made easy! Tags are defined by you and can be attached to anything. Want to track all your leads in Silicon Valley? Attach a #silvalley tag. Looking to remember who you met at a conference in Boston? Tag the desired contacts with a #bostonconf2019 tag.

Organize your way with Tags

Quickly filter and locate items using Savvyy's integrated search function. Search any tag to conveniently bring up any items associated with it!

An Accountability Partner

Cultivate good habits

Keep track of your next steps! Savvyy emails you daily reminders with your upcoming to-dos so that you always remember what you need to accomplish next.

Look back on what you've achieved + set new goals. Savvyy shows a summary of what you've accomplished on each day of your search and allows you to set daily, weekly and monthly targets for what you'd like to accomplish.

An Accountability Partner

Cultivate Your Network

Store the contacts that matter — and remember why they matter.

Store the contacts that matter — and remember why they matter.

An estimated 85 percent of jobs are filled via networking. Savvyy encourages you to note your interactions with contacts so you remember to focus on growing those important relationships.

Transform contacts into meaningful friendships. Remember what someone's up to in their lives or tidbits about their kids. Savvyy encourages you to remember and jot down these items so that you may connect purposefully with those in your network.

A Space to Reflect

Stay centered through all the ups and downs

Even with all the help that Savvyy provides, the job search can be overwhelming. The journal gives you a private space to reflect on each day's ups and downs. Writing even a few sentences every day helps to keep you focused and determined — even when the times are tough.

Savvyy can even send you a daily reminder to help you maintain this important practice.

Stay centered through all the ups and downs

Record today's activity and review tomorrow's plans to get a bigger picture of your search.

Quick-save stuff via email
Quick-save stuff via email

Like emailing yourself? Email anything (leads, notes, PDFs) to Savvyy and we'll categorize it and save it in your database.


Had a productive phone call with a recruiter or hiring manager? Jot down notes for easy reference.

To-Do List
To-Do List

Remind yourself to follow up with a contact next month or check a company website for new postings.


Everyone thinks and organizes information differently. Savvyy lets you do it your way.

File tracking
File tracking

Keep track of tailored resumes and cover letters. Found an informative company report? Upload it to that company in Savvvy.

Stay Sharp With Savvyy

Did you know that the average person will have seven different careers?

Store the contacts that matter — and remember why they matter.

Remember that your career is a marathon, not a sprint that ends when you land your next job. Savvyy gives you the tools to cultivate both your network and industry knowledge, allowing you to stay competitive and upwardly mobile.